Special Events
Special Events
Open Days:
Little Athletic Centres throughout Victoria conduct Open Days at which all registered athletes may compete. Correct Centre uniform is to be worn to all Open Days. For Open Day entry forms see our website www.bacchusmarshlittleathletics.org.au
Multi Event
Athletes compete in five events gaining points in each event (using LAVic multi event points table) All five events must be competed in to have completed the Multi Event. If one event is not competed in, that athlete will be deemed ineligible to win any award. Trophies are awarded to the winners of each age group with medals for second and third. Where there is only one competitor in any event, the trophy will be forfeited if a reasonable performance is not given.
Region Relay Championships
Teams from eligible children in Under 9-17 who would like to compete, are selected from the entry forms that are to be filled in and handed to your Club Team Manager prior to the closing date (which is written on the entry form). We endeavour to place all children completing the entry form into a team. Any athlete wishing to take part in relays, must make sure they will be available to run at Region level and State level if that team qualifies. Region heats are held at Melton with State finals at Casey Fields.
State Multi Event Championships
The Multi-Event is available for athletes in the Under 9-17 age groups and will consist of between five and seven separate disciplines. Events consisting of five disciplines will be held on one day. Events consisting of more than five disciplines will be held on two consecutive days. This yearâs LAVic State Multi Event Championship is to be held at Lakeside Stadium. Entry for this event will be via the online portal on the Little Athletics Victoria website.
Region Track & Field Championships
Athletes in Under 9-17 who have participated in 50% or a minimum of two normal Centre competitions (whichever is greater) since their date of registration between the preceding 1 October and 31 December of the competition date. Entry for this event will be via the online portal on the Little Athletics Victoria website. This yearâs Region Track & Field Championships is to be held at venue TBC. Athletes have the opportunity to progress to the State Championships at Casey Fields.
Bendigo Community Bank 100m GiftÂ
The Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics 100m Gift, proudly sponsored by the Community Bank Bacchus Marsh â Bendigo Bank.
The fastest seeded athletes in each age group from Under 7 to Under 16 will be invited by the Centre to participate in the annual Community Bank Bacchus Marsh Gift. Count back will be used if athletes in each age-group have the same fastest seed. Handicaps will be set 2 weeks prior to the event.
There will be a Girls and Boys race. Athletes will be handicapped using their seasonâs PB time. The winner of each race will be awarded with a perpetual shield and the first 3 placegetters will be presented with Gift sashes by the Bendigo Bank Manager.
Centre Championships
Centre Championships are contested on the final day of the season. To be eligible for Centre Championships children must compete in at least half the available meetings before Christmas (from the time of registration with the Centre) and half the available meetings after Christmas. For Centre Championships, children must be registered by 31 December. This rule does not apply to children who transfer from other LA Centres.
Centre Championships will be conducted in the following format. A maximum of three track and two field or two track and three field events may be entered. An exception may be Under 13-17 when lack of numbers may necessitate elimination of some events. Centre Executive for Championships to decide. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented to placegetters in finals of each event. Where there is only one competitor in any event, the medal will be forfeited if a reasonable performance is not given.
The Junior Development Squad (JDS) gives U12 â U17 athletes an opportunity to develop additional skills and improve technical competencies through participation in coaching and training sessions with some of Victoriaâs leading coaches. Training with other keen and enthusiastic squad members is both fun and motivational and helps develop new friendships based on an enjoyment of athletics. The emphasis is to provide a friendly and supportive environment.
The program will consist of several squad training days at various venues throughout the season. There will be 4 â Track & Field days and 1- Cross-Country / Strength & Conditioning Day.
Each year a set of JDS qualifying standards are developed which reflects the performances of the athletes that were achieved throughout the season. The standards are adjusted each year, to ensure the athletes are being compared to their peers, rather than against previous athletes. This allows JDS to maintain a consistency of performances and competency from the athletes, in which all athletes who are eligible and qualify, can join, rather than setting a maximum number of members. To assist this process, the athletes must achieve 2 qualifying performances.
The ALAC (Australian Little Athletics Championships) is a 2 Day Championship that incorporates 2 events, the ATC and AMEC.
The ATC is the Australian Teams Championships for the U13 athletes, while the AMEC is the Australian Multi- Event Championships for the U15 athletes.
The ALAC is conducted as a Team based competition, where athletes score points based on Athletes Place, not performance.
Individually the athletes are competing for medals, however their place determines the points that the Team receives. This is the most important component of the ALAC
Our Centre supports the development of our childrenâs athletic ability and achievements. The Centre will âconsider on meritâ any registered athlete who gains selection to compete in a National LA Australia athletic event with $100 to assist them with expenses. A National LA Australia Representation Application Form must be completed and submitted to the executive prior to the event. Approval of the sponsorship is at the absolute discretion of the Centre Executive Committee. Payment of the amount will be made after the competition and will be conditional on the athlete attending and competing in the selected event.